Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm Really Excited...a New Opportunity.

I had to sub yesterday at the school around the corner. It isn't my son's school, but seriously it is about 4 minutes from my house. I enjoy subbing there and try to every chance I get. A couple of weeks ago I subbed in the Autism classroom. There are 5 kindergarten age boys, all with some sort or form of moderate to severe autism. There are a couple that are non verbal, these are the most challenging, but they are incredibly smart, witty, humorous, and so incredible lovable. The others are gifted in ways that would amaze most people, yet they are locked away in a room somewhere in their own body.

Well long story short...the teacher is expecting her first child the first week of January. I was asked yesterday to consider taking her class as a long term sub for her. I really did not even have to think about it... I automatically took it. I am going to have to do some serious cramming on special needs children, but in all honesty... I totally feel a peace about this. I know that there are going to be some things that I wont know how to handle right away. I will have 4 para-professionals in this class as well, so it is not like I am being thrown in a room with these children all by myself and expected to know all and do all. I know that I will be trying to fill big shoes, and that these children develop relationships differently than others.

I am really looking forward to this, and will most likely be asking for prayer covering often, when situations arise when I need more guidance on something. I never in my life imagined that I would enjoy something like this and I am frankly quite afraid that I will get too attached to these little guys.

Carson will have to go into aftercare for about 30-45 minutes after school. My next door neighbor offered to get him off the bus and watch him for me, so that may be answer there.
I am really looking forward to the steady paycheck as well... the county pays their long term subs extremely well....well steady for at least three months. First thing to buy with that first own laptop!


Sandra said...

WOW! Take it and run with it. What a wonderful oppurtunity. Next week I will be taking a course for a special therapy for autistic kids. I can't wait. Once I am done I could go into these families homes and work 1-in-1 with the child.

Kassie said...

that is great you will do a good job. I am so excited for you. Have a great time

anita said...

These kids are going to love you. Enjoy it!

My husband just accepted a new job and will start right after Thanksgiving. Please pray for his adjustments as well.