You know that scene in the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, where there are hundreds of kids wandering the streets Trick or Treating? Well that was my neighborhood tonight. This was really the first year that we have really Trick or Treated instead of another "Halloween" activity. In years past we have attended a Trunk or Treat at church or a Harvest Festival somewhere, and maybe hit one or two neighbors houses. This year Carson was determined that we were going to a hundred houses. I drew the short straw, so we headed out to make the rounds. The neighborhood we live in really goes all out for Halloween, people gathered in their front yards with their portable fire pits and hot chocolate. Scary music and decorations really make it a nice spooky event. It was really enjoyable for all involved. We left Wayne at home to handle the hoards of traveling princesses, zombies, and super heroes. Fortunately for me, Carson's candy bag got too heavy after only 50 or so houses, and he had to go to the bathroom. We headed home and he helped pass out the rest of the candy.
Finally was able to convince him that if he smiled, he might get more candy.At least he only got Tricks from us tonight....
He had just as much fun if not more passing out the candy once we got home.
Now for the Aye Matey..... a couple of days ago Wayne started complaining of a sinus type of headache. He took some decongestant and was feeling better. Yesterday he comes home from work, and is having trouble drinking out of a glass... I look at him and the right side of his face is kinda droopy....and his speech was slightly slurred. We were a little concerned, but didn't think stroke or anything like that, I immediately knew we were dealing with Bell's Palsy. He was worse this morning, but went into work. He left early and headed to the Dr. and was officially diagnosed with Bell's. The Dr. prescribed him some eye drops, because his right eye doesn't close, and it can dry out very easily. He was also prescribed a prednisone dose pack. The cool thing is that we really could of dressed him up as pirate for Halloween....he already had the scowl and the eye squinch down.
Hopefully it won't last too terribly long....It isn't uncomfortable, but he does have trouble speaking.... oh and drinking is quite comical...if I do say so myself.
On the downside of tonight... my super nice digital SLR camera was dropped on the floor....I'm not naming names.....or fault (neither Carson or I did it)...totally accidental.... The good still takes took these tonight after the fall, but the display LCD screen is shot. It is really amazing how much we rely on the display to see the shot after we take it. I will just use it as is, until we can wrangle the repairs.